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An advanced form of Spear of Ice - Upon throwing, the spear bursts into small shards, allowing multiple targets to be hit." (Currently bugged and sometimes won't consume mana when cast) Upon cast, 10 ice shards will fly out from the player, each doing 20 damage. If one of the shards hits an enemy, it will stick into them for a couple seconds before shattering, doing an additional 15 damage per shard. The shattering has a small area-of-effect so hitting an enemy in a horde has a chance of hitting multiple when the spear shatters. The range of damage per enemy ranges from 35 damage all the way to 350 if all shards hit the same enemy.

Spell Mana Cost Cooldown (Seconds) Proficiencies? Damage
ShatterIcon.png Shatter 25* 5 No 35 (x10)