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Magical staves for that inner w-w-w-wizard!

Staves are one of many weapon types that you will encounter while exploring the lands of Eudros. They are designed as a powerful support weapon for magic users, allowing one to pursue a fully magic based build without the need to supplement with other weapon skills. Staves offer players increased mana regeneration and access to skills that play into other magical skills.


LMB - Normal ranged attack

Hold LMB - Heavy sweeping attack

RMB - Block - charges staff ability

RMB then LMB - Unleashes staff ability

Staves Skills

Ability Mana Cost Cooldown Notes Screenshot
Thunderstaff 50 5 sec Deals 125 damage, has long range and a small AOE Thunderstaff.png
Staff Light 0 15 sec Despite the short cooldown, the staff stays alight for 60 seconds. Casting spell again before 60 seconds turns off the staff light Staff Light.png
Poisonous Whaft 0 5 sec Initial cast deals ~15 - 25 damage and inflicts poison. The poison deals 5 damage per tick for 10 ticks, for a total of 50 damage Poisonous Whaft.png
Totem 0 25 sec Once casted, totem stays active for 15 seconds, targeting the nearest enemy. It fires 15 damage projectiles 10 times, for a total of 150 damage Totem.png
Arcane Burst 0 15 sec When casted, it fires a volley of 10 Arcane projectiles, where they fly for a second before homing on the closest enemy. Each projectiles deals 20 damage, thus, the maximum damage this spell can inflict on a single target is 200 damage. Arcane Burst.png
Arcane Tap 0 5 sec Initial cast deals 25 damage and inflicts Divine Bond on enemies in a small radius around the player Arcane Tap.png
Hallowed Earth 25 15 sec Upon casting, the player jumps up to target an area. After about 2 seconds, a stationary large circle of Arcane magic is unleashed at target area. Enemies within this area take 5 damage per tick, and inflicted with Divine Bond. Hallowed Earth.png
Detonate 0 15 sec This spell deals an immense amount of damage at short AOE range, capable of dealing upwards of 710 damage on a single target. Evidently, it is capable of one-shooting a Hill Troll. Enemies are also inflicted with burning damage, dealing 90 damage over 10 ticks. Detonate.png