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General Info

Smelting is the process of refining materials like ores and others into ingots, which can be used for crafting. You need a furnace for smelting.
Smelting also resembles a Passive Skill, that improves by practicing it. A higher Smelting Level allows you to produce higher quality ingots.

Smelting Table

Ingot Material #1 (Amount) Material #2 (Amount) Material #3 (Amount) Smelting Level Smelting EXP
Copper Ingot.png Copper Ingot Copper Ore.png Copper Ore (3x) Chunk of Coal.png Chunk of Coal (1x) - 1 10
Iron Ingot.png Iron Ingot Iron Ore.png Iron Ore (3x) Chunk of Coal.png Chunk of Coal (1x) - 2 15
Atacamite Ingot.png Atacamite Ingot Atacamite Ore.png Atacamite Ore (3x) - - 3 25
Green Slime Ingot.png Green Slime Ingot Green Slime.png Green Slime (5x) - - 3 5
Silver Ingot.png Silver Ingot Silver Ore.png Silver Ore (3x) Chunk of Coal.png Chunk of Coal (3x) - 4 10
Bonemetal Ingot.png Bonemetal Ingot Human Bones (5x) Bone Dust (2x) Chunk of Coal.png Chunk of Coal (1x) 4 10
Gold Ingot.png Gold Ingot Gold Ore.png Gold Ore (3x) Chunk of Coal.png Chunk of Coal (3x) - 5 15