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(Note from previous wiki page editor: I've been predominately using in-game quotes/evidence and quotes from the official The Bloodline Discord server. If others want to scour the Reddit and other sites for notes/quotes to add, go ahead! Remember to add dates, though.)

The mythology of The Bloodline involves a pantheon of 12 Gods looking over the world. There are also several realms including Eudros, the Betwixt Realm, and the Unforgiven Realm.


Aalden: The God of Magic and Life - The First God.

Adien: The God of Medicine and Recovery.

Arosa: The Goddess of Death and Mercy.

Dymdall: The God of Discovery and Education.

Ealdin: The God of Harvest and Feasts.

Enir: The God of Happiness and Joy.

Esros: The God of Wisdom and Foresight.

Iher: The God of Luck and Bounty.

Isris: The God of Mountains and Sky.

Loreus: The God of Trade and Finance.

Nateus: The God of Earth.

Phalkdir: The God of the Hearth.

(Deities are accurate as of October 27, 2023)

The Unforgiven Realm

The Unforgiven, previously known as Elves, lived in Eudros along with Humans and Dwarves. At some point (possibly the event known as the "Judgement" or "Cleansing") a group of Elves killed Iher, the God of Luck, and were then banished to a realm now known as The Unforgiven Realm. The Unforgiven Realm (whether was made specifically for the Elves to be sent to or it existed prior to the Elves being sent there) is filled with a "dark magic that twists and corrupts in different ways" (see Developer Quotes).

More information about The Unforgiven and their realm can be found in their own page.

The Betwixt Realm

This realm is different from The Unforgiven Realm. The Betwixt Realm acts as a sort of divide between life and the afterlife. The Necropolis of Dornhurst location in Elderheim has two places the player can temporarily enter the Betwixt Realm by praying with the preacher.

Other Minor Things

The Umbra Tree

This is the universe-spanning tree that Aalden used magic from to create the other 11 Gods. Not much is known or said about it.

The Shido Imperium

"The Shido Imperium is ruled by desendants of a bloodline much like the Harbingers - The orgin of the blood is cloaked in mystery, and many dispute that the Shido Bloodline is even divine." (Typos are in-game)

The Shido Imperium is an Empire on Eudros. There are two other kingdoms in addition to the Shido Imperium and Elderheim, but the Shido Imperium specifically mentions another bloodline. More about this kingdom can be found in their own page.

Developer Quotes

In response to the question "wait there are deities(?)" asked by Discord user .grimsqueaker., Milo (the developer) responded with "There are! Most of the gods have abandoned Eudros, and only a few remain." Quote dated September 26th 2023.

"Iher was the youngest and weakest of the Gods, he was only killed because he was the easiest target." Quote dated September 26th 2022, and might be outdated. This quote seems to imply that the Elves picked Iher not due to any resentment against him, but because the Elves wanted to kill any God, and Iher was the easiest.

"The Harbinger Bloodline is described in the games description! 😁 Essentially they're the last-ditch effort for the land of Eudros to forsee cataclysmic invasions of Unforgiven. Since the gods seemingly abandoned Eudros, the Harbingers are the last direct link to any kind of divinity." Quote dated August 5th 2022, and might be outdated.

"The first god, Aalden, was birthed from the stars. He used his power to create the other gods! So technically, the gods just came from the first god lol" This quote comes from March 24th 2022 and so may be outdated. If this quote holds true currently, it implies the Umbra Tree was also created by Aalden, since the in-game loading screen tip says Aalden only "uses" the magic from the Umbra Tree to create the other Gods.

'"The cleansing is an event that happened thousands and thousands of years prior to when the game takes place! The elves revolted against the gods and killed Iher, the god of luck! After that, the first god purged the world of all elves, banishing them to an alternate realm where they're eternally tortured. After thousands of years in this realm, the Elves barely resemble what they once were and have since became known as the Unforgiven!" Quote dated March 24th 2022, and might be outdated. "The cleansing" might be synonymous with "the judgement".

"The few half-elves who survived the judgement day retreated into the forests of Aralor and made it their home." This quote is not directly from the developer, but was posted in the announcements channel in the official The Bloodline Discord server, implying truth/credibility to the post. This quote is an excerpt from a larger post describing the various kingdoms on Eudros.

"Those are the horned skeleton looking dudes in the most recent post! They'll have a few forms, the realm they reside in is cursed by dark magic that twists and corrupts in different ways. So there'll be a few different creatures from the Unforgiven Realm!" Dated June 3rd 2021.

"Because they're inherently twisted because of their curse. They originated from a realm where the air corrupts and tortures them - they're minds are broken and all they know is violence." Dated May 12th 2022.

"The one responsible for the banishing is definitely done with Eudros lol." Also dated May 12th 2022. This quote, together with the one that describes how the "first god purged the world of all elves", implies that Aalden is among the Gods who have abandoned Eudros.