Icicle Spike

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Casting Icicle Spike will put a circle of ice at the spot it was cast. When stepped on, the spike will launch the enemy that triggered it. It will always trigger when stepped on, and seems to mostly either do no damage or instantly kill the enemy that triggered it. During testing, the Icicle Spike spell killed a goblin brute with over 650 health instantly, but took about 5 attempts. Testing on the Cultist Magician had the spell do 150 damage per hit. After it is cast, the ice will dissipate after a short amount of time, whether it is triggered or not. Each Icicle Spike trap can only be triggered once.

Spell Mana Cost Cooldown (Seconds) Proficiencies? Damage
IcicleSpikeIcon.png Icicle Spike 20 3 No 150*