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Geomancy is a skill and one of the 12 sub-categories of magic in The Bloodline, and one of the three main combat styles. This class of magic allows you to use the very earth as a weapon. Summon massive boulders, impale your enemies on spears of stone or launch enemies into the air with a stomp of your foot!

Note: As the game is in Early Access all content is subject to change

The current Geomancy skill tree

Combat spells

Spell Mana Cost Damage Cooldown (secs) Proficiencies?
ConjureBoulder.png Conjure Boulder 20 ? 6 No
ConjureRock.png Conjure Rock 20 ? 1 No
CrushingSlabs.png Crushing Slabs 25 ? 15 No
EarthHammer.png Earth Hammer 25 ? 7 No
Earth Spikes.png Earth Spikes 30 ? 10 No
Earthen Pull.png Earthen Pull 35(x3) ? 1 No
EarthenCrush.png Earthen Crush 15 ? 1 No
ImpalingRock.png Impaling Rock 30 ? 15 No
RockFist.png Rock Fist 20 ? 25 No
StalactiteSpear.png Stalactite Spear 25 ? 10 No
Statuification.png Statuification 0 ? 25 No
StoneShield.png Stone Shield 25 ? 10 No
StoneGrip.png Stonegrip 15 ? 15 No
QuakeToss.png Quake Toss 15 ? 5 No

Utility Spells

Spell Mana Cost Cooldown (secs) Proficiencies?
BlessingOfTheEarth.png Blessing of the Earth 0 15 No
BoulderForm.png Boulder Form 30 10 No
RockPillar.png Rock Pillar 20 10 No
RollingBoulderForm.png Rolling Boulder Form 35 30 No