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The ability to see events that will transpire in the near future, taking the form of a calendar accessible from both the overworld view, and the tab menu when not in the overworld.

The controls available from the overworld menu, the right most icon being the foresight calendar.
The controls available from the overworld menu, the right most icon being the foresight calendar.
List of foresight events
Foresight Description Details Images
Moonstone Meteorite at Wolfdover Timberland Upon triggering when loading into the zone, a loud crack can be heard as the meteor breaks apart in the sky with each fragment landing and becoming a mineable moonstone deposit that requires level 8 in mining proficiency.
Meteor splitting in the air
Meteor splitting in the air
Moonstone meteor deposit after collision
Moonstone meteor deposit after collision
Undead Horde at Elderglen Woods When entering the area and exiting the spawn camp, head straight ahead and there will be a large group of undead shambler enemies, they do not appear to respawn during the event however there are a large quantity of them, 20+ enemies in total. The event potentially also has an increased spawn rate for lost souls however this requires further testing.
Horde of undead shamblers
Horde of undead shamblers
Deathfog at Whitebrook Haven A thick fog rises over the frozen woods and entices undead to do the same. Innumerable hordes roam the snow. Great for farming XP through combat for the whole duration of the event. Coming Soon
Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon!